We pay attention to detail in every step of data processing. Getting the basics right is critical for more complex data processing steps later in the workflow. When companies bring us data for reprocessing, we often find the original issue is related to inaccurate geometry assignment, or incorrect statics or velocities. Errors are costly, and the basics count.


Correct geometry is fundamental to the success of every processing step that follows. At the beginning of your project, we perform rigorous quality control procedures, guiding your seismic data through a verification of shot and receiver locations to identify and correct errors.

Superior Statics Solution

Clients are assured of a superior statics solution with a variety of approaches for refraction, reflection and tomographic statics and hands-on guidance by our experienced statics experts on staff.

Sterling’s integrated refraction workflow includes careful attention to first break picking and refractor analysis. First breaks are valuable for geometry quality control and correct adjustment of errors in source and receiver locations. Picking the refractors correctly is a critical interpretive step in the process.

We carefully analyze and model the refractors to unravel near-surface complexities. Collaborating with clients to better understand the near-surface geology, we apply advanced algorithms and specific expertise to deliver the most accurate statics corrections for your data.

Correct geometry and accurate statics ensure that your data is prepared for the advanced data processing technologies we provide.